Ariel Design Diary
An insight into my journey in the fashion education/industry.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Prints Prints Prints!
During my one-year long internship while studying at Raffles, I had to learn to use Adobe Illustrator by myself and create prints and designs with it. Slowly, I grew addicted to it. I began to brush up my skills on drawing vector images and creating repeating prints. What I love most is making a repeated print look non-repetitive. My pride comes when first look tell you it is a repeated print but your eyes can't seem to find where is the repeated print and how it is repeated.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Getting the stars out of my eyes
The year 2014 has ended since My last post. Certainly things has changed quite abit. Time does that to everything.
I for one has lost abit of my starry-eye love for fashion. Don't get me wrong. I still love fashion and designing. But the ambition, the hope, the never-ending thirst, and the burning desire has faded quite abit. It's hard not to get jaded in this small island where young talents are not given chances to shine and people only pay attention the fashion when it involves big names like LV and Chanel. How many people even know the brain behind the recent gorgeous collection from Dior came from a guy called Raf Simons? Or that Karl Lagerfeld (a well respected name in the industry) helms both Chanel and Fendi? Nah. Here in Singapore, people only care about the monogram bags, with LV plastered all over, that shout out "hey I have an LV and I'm rich".
Thus is the superficial country I live in. Truly rich people do not flaunt their wealth in this way. But it is those who falls short of being filthy rich, are the ones who are so desperate to flaunt what they have.
Anyway, I still haven't lost my desire to do what I love. But the fire that burns so wildly has since been extinguished a little. My daring dream of wanting to be a couture designer will remain a fantasy to be relished in my sleep.
Monday, December 8, 2014
A lost sheep
To be entirely honest, I've been stuck in a designer's block for a very long time.
My hands are not working in sync with my brain. And my brain is almost blank.
And since my last flea market attempt for MerrowDream, I have been stuck thinking about how to revamp. I had this grand idea of making MerrowDream a fabric accessories shop. But reality hit me hard. Most consumers can't appreciate the quality materials I use. My products aren't unique enough. My stuff aren't attractive and cheap enough. Blah Blah Blah. I learnt so much from just one flea. I know I had to revamp.
But do what?
I'm stuck honestly. I had countless ideas flashing through my mind initially(more than a month ago). But I have countless more reasons to shoot them down. I now understand why some creative people say we are our own enemy. We seek for a perfection that cannot be achieved. The expectations I set for myself are unattainably high.
And to be entirely honest, I'm overly ambitious in wanting to try EVERYTHING. There seem to be an endless stretch to the list of things I want to try to do. Anything related to creative DIY - I want to try. But there is only so much time that I have.
Work is slowly eating me up. It's slowly stripping off my adrenaline push to achieve, achieve and achieve. I began to sink in to the repetitive daily cycles of waking up at 7.30, going to work, have my lunch, continue to work, end work at 6 or work some overtime, go home, eat dinner, rest and then sleep. And the next day the cycle repeats.
Where is the motivated and driven Ariel? I'm not just stuck in a block (my creative juices are not flowing), I'm beginning to lose myself.
I need to get away and find myself once more.
My hands are not working in sync with my brain. And my brain is almost blank.
And since my last flea market attempt for MerrowDream, I have been stuck thinking about how to revamp. I had this grand idea of making MerrowDream a fabric accessories shop. But reality hit me hard. Most consumers can't appreciate the quality materials I use. My products aren't unique enough. My stuff aren't attractive and cheap enough. Blah Blah Blah. I learnt so much from just one flea. I know I had to revamp.
But do what?
I'm stuck honestly. I had countless ideas flashing through my mind initially(more than a month ago). But I have countless more reasons to shoot them down. I now understand why some creative people say we are our own enemy. We seek for a perfection that cannot be achieved. The expectations I set for myself are unattainably high.
And to be entirely honest, I'm overly ambitious in wanting to try EVERYTHING. There seem to be an endless stretch to the list of things I want to try to do. Anything related to creative DIY - I want to try. But there is only so much time that I have.
Work is slowly eating me up. It's slowly stripping off my adrenaline push to achieve, achieve and achieve. I began to sink in to the repetitive daily cycles of waking up at 7.30, going to work, have my lunch, continue to work, end work at 6 or work some overtime, go home, eat dinner, rest and then sleep. And the next day the cycle repeats.
Where is the motivated and driven Ariel? I'm not just stuck in a block (my creative juices are not flowing), I'm beginning to lose myself.
I need to get away and find myself once more.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Quite an eccentric post.
Sitting in the middle of a dark living room with your earpiece plugged into your ear, listening (try A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay) to the tracks playing from your phone - oddly that is super peaceful and comforting.
Why did I never try this earlier?
It is just another night. All lights out by 11pm. Everyone tucked in their beds. And me still up and about in my room. Just that today im not. I'm doing the above.
For awhile, I had so much questions and thoughts running around in my head. Many of them are without answers or directions to finding out the answers. And on this "special" night (it's not really special. Just another night really), I began to hear the answers. I'm not going crazy or becoming psychic. That would be great but no I did not. I just had my once-a-while dose of a great conversation that works two-ways and also became very thought-provoking.
There are not many people in this world that can give me this once-a-while dose - I think I can count them with just the fingers from one hand. So when the stars aligned (or when the blue moon comes up), I'm in an extremely good mood.
Ok enough of the bush beating.
I have a slightly clearer view of the route I can take down this path towards my dream. Well, firstly, I should continue honing my skills in Illustrator and Photoshop. Apparently (*gasp*) there are not many people good in these 2 softwares, especially in the fashion design area. My control-and-detail-freak self sort of complement my strength in these 2 areas.
Secondly, I'm going to enlist the help of the almighty Youtube to learn to screenprint with the emulsion technique. That will greatly benefit me in my work for my business (or at least my entrepreneurial attempt) Merrow Dream.
Then, I should start looking into what I can sacrifice to get myself one step closer to saving up for a bold move that I had been thinking about - interning in a fashion brand in New York while working another part time job to earn my stay there. Yep. Sumarised that in a single sentence.
Lastly, maybe pick up another skill (or language) to make myself even more indispensable (as an asset to a company). Maybe I should study colour relationships in detail. Or pick up French like I'd always wanted to.
Well that does it. First time typing in such an honest voice. You (whoever is reading this (thank you by the way)) may find that I have lots of things going on at one time as you read. But that's kind of how it goes in my brain all the time. Actually it's worse because typing it out limits what I can pen down. If you can hear my thoughts I bet you'll be screaming shut up! Haha. Hope you enjoy this messy update.
Why did I never try this earlier?
It is just another night. All lights out by 11pm. Everyone tucked in their beds. And me still up and about in my room. Just that today im not. I'm doing the above.
For awhile, I had so much questions and thoughts running around in my head. Many of them are without answers or directions to finding out the answers. And on this "special" night (it's not really special. Just another night really), I began to hear the answers. I'm not going crazy or becoming psychic. That would be great but no I did not. I just had my once-a-while dose of a great conversation that works two-ways and also became very thought-provoking.
There are not many people in this world that can give me this once-a-while dose - I think I can count them with just the fingers from one hand. So when the stars aligned (or when the blue moon comes up), I'm in an extremely good mood.
Ok enough of the bush beating.
I have a slightly clearer view of the route I can take down this path towards my dream. Well, firstly, I should continue honing my skills in Illustrator and Photoshop. Apparently (*gasp*) there are not many people good in these 2 softwares, especially in the fashion design area. My control-and-detail-freak self sort of complement my strength in these 2 areas.
Secondly, I'm going to enlist the help of the almighty Youtube to learn to screenprint with the emulsion technique. That will greatly benefit me in my work for my business (or at least my entrepreneurial attempt) Merrow Dream.
Then, I should start looking into what I can sacrifice to get myself one step closer to saving up for a bold move that I had been thinking about - interning in a fashion brand in New York while working another part time job to earn my stay there. Yep. Sumarised that in a single sentence.
Lastly, maybe pick up another skill (or language) to make myself even more indispensable (as an asset to a company). Maybe I should study colour relationships in detail. Or pick up French like I'd always wanted to.
Well that does it. First time typing in such an honest voice. You (whoever is reading this (thank you by the way)) may find that I have lots of things going on at one time as you read. But that's kind of how it goes in my brain all the time. Actually it's worse because typing it out limits what I can pen down. If you can hear my thoughts I bet you'll be screaming shut up! Haha. Hope you enjoy this messy update.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
block and screen printing addiction
Thanks to my dear friend xiu, I know of Fictive Fingers and their awesome works. I signed myself up for their screen printing class and before I knew it, I was hooked.

Anyway! The class was really fun and free. I don't mean FOC. But the freedom to work at our own comfortable pace, use our own designs, etc. The two owners Hani and Aisah are really sweet and helpful! They don't interfere in your decision making process - they just provide advises on the end product. "If you want it to look like this, this is how you can do it.." You know. Encouraging. I love them. That's why I went back for their block printing class.
After the screen printing class, we brought home a small kit including the stencil paper (for screen printing), rubber block and carving knife (for block printing), and a booklet introducing themselves and with pictorial guide on how to do block printing. The guide is really detailed so that you don't have to attend the class to actually learn how to block print. But, I still went for the class because I love the owners, their class and because of my believe in learning things best in person.

My mum has this belief that I strongly stand by - even though books and the internet are available, it's still best to pay some money to learn "that something" in person. She loves to cook and bake etc. So for her, even though the recipe is exactly the same, she won't be able to get it right unless she first learn it from a teacher in person. Then eventually using a few recipe to perfect her own.
Same logic here! The guide was detailed yes. But I needed to see the carving in person to actually get how it works. How to control the knife, how to carve, etc.I must say, I'm addicted to block carving. Carving on a rubber block is so easy.
I've also recently tried printing my own wrapping paper. Turns out the effect is not too bad! But lesson learnt: never use normal printing paper because they tear so easily! It was so hard to wrap! (sadly, the recipient didn't seem to appreciate my work.)

So keep a look out!
Saturday, June 21, 2014
seven-months worth
It's been more than half a year since I joined my current workplace. People have commented how I have grown in this job, how much "smarter" I've become. I don't really have a clear idea of how much has changed so I decided on coming up with this list - my own survival list. Perhaps this list may apply to other industries too.
Ariel's Working Survival List
1. Take note of what you do every single day.
Ariel's Working Survival List
This may sound pretty stupid. But it's important. Let's say your boss is mostly not around (which is so in my case), she might ask for a weekly report from you and your fellow colleagues. So in this case, you already keep track of what you do daily. But some circumstances may require to record even more detailed (hourly tracking). Whether is it mandatory, such reports are actually your personal insurance in the office. You may never know which person in the office is not happy with you and decide to rattle to your boss that you are slacking your time off. And when you are confronted on what you were doing at a certain day (or time), you wouldn't want to be caught off-guard (especially for a forgetful person like me) and not be able to recall.
Such recording is also good to help you personally keep track what you have done over the days/weeks/months/years. You may start to feel overworked (or underworked) and thus this is when this recording becomes your useful evidence in a war between you and your boss and your HR.
2. Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.
Everyone has at least a friend in the company. If you don't, at least be liked by someone. Try not to step on too many people's toes. Make as many people in the office love you - you may never know when you need their help. If you do make an enemy or two (or even more), don't be too openly hostile to them. The best tactic is to act as though you are their friend. It's never good to have too many enemies around you, especially if your position is all the way at the bottom of the ladder.
3. Humility is the best virtue.
Who doesn't like a humble and modest person? Unless it's fake of course. No matter what your position is, where your authority stretches to, it's always good to maintain the basic humility. People tend to be "softer" to other humble and polite human beings. Just like animals, if the other party is a threat to us, we will wear our armor and our spikes. Thus, it's best to be humble and polite - respect the seniors, your fellow colleagues, your supervisors, etc. A person with good manners is liked every where and this will help in the above point 2 that I mention. For a newbie like me, this is the best trait to have (if you are sincere) - seniors will be willing to teach you precious lessons that took them years to learn.
4. Do not simply follow the crowd.
5. Blend in.
Ok the above two points are related, and not at all contradicting. I shall explain why.
Every company has its pre-existing set of working ethics and style. Some hasn't been changed in years, so as a result, the way of working has become inefficient and may even be causing the company some damage. When it is obvious the methods of working (or recording or whatever for that matter) is not efficient and is causing attrition in the company, voice out. Do not skip levels of authorities and go straight up to the biggest boss. Speak to your super first, if all else fail then approach the boss.
However, keep in mind to blend into the company culture first. Every company has its own unique culture. So take note of the culture, learn and then blend in. Do not stick out like a giraffe standing among the rhinos. Blend in first, be one of them. Then if the need comes to voice out concerns regarding work processes, it will be easier to get your point across. People wouldn't think that you, a new-comer, is trying to flip the entire office upside down. They wouldn't see you as a threat, and thus it will be easier to get your message across and easier to get it accepted.
It has never occurred to me that these points I mentioned above are important. Though this isn't my first job, it is the first job I really cared about. So these lessons are all the more important to me. I'm not a saint so I do make mistakes. But considering how badly some of my previous jobs had went (by the time the half-year mark has reached), I think I've risen up pretty well in the past 7 months over here.
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